October 2024: Mean dogs, vacancies
If you subscribe to my online newspaper, the St. Louis Sentinel, you saw a Brian Buysse article about loud vehicles last month. Brian has been to three city council meetings with the same issue. Many motorcycles are too loud. Search for Brian’s name on the Sentinel site to find a 2023 article about him. I sympathize with Brian. He's a great guy. But there's only so much the city can do. I have a similar situation with loose dogs. As an avid walker I have been barked at in a threatening manner by unchained and unfenced dogs at least twice a year for the last five years. It's scary and unsettling. I know one couple who stopped walking in my neighborhood because of the dogs. How many more like them are out there? I now carry a golf club or a baseball bat on walks to protect myself. I haven't had to use it and hope I never will, as I'm sure the dog would get a few licks in, too. My problem is not with dogs but with owners who are careless enough or thoughtless enough ...